Bemusements of a Perpetually Visible Man

Like I said, this is basically a dummy. Find my real blog, such as it is, at: and my home page at

Monday, July 18, 2005

Bemusements of a Perpetually Visible Man

This is basically a dummy page, so I can post non-anonymously to Blogger folks. My sole attempt at blogging will be found on LiveJournal:


At 11:36 AM, Blogger Larry Santoro said...

Mike, while I'm also a reader and actually prefer books on paper to audio books or ebooks. That said, I also fully appreciate an audio site that also posts original material by both pros and those who do not write for money.

In addition, StarShipSofa also produces ink-on-paper versions of their "best of the year" stories. Some of these are new works, some written for the Sofa, some are reprints. I've been pleased to have stories in the first two volumes of StarShipSofa Stories. One was a reprint from an anthology, the other was an original -- not for the StarShip, but never before published.

Call it what you will, fanzine, mixed media, audio-visual whatsit, the StarShipSofa DOES provide a "transcript" of the best of their efforts for each year.

I suggest you re-read my posting again, and maybe stop by the StarShip and have a listen.


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